Signature Package

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Cancelation & Refund Policy

Even though our Signature package is our most basic package, it is loaded with value and features. Our Signature package is great for most people, unless you are in need of a deep clean (Select Deep Clean Upgrade Add-On below)

This is a flat rate service to clean your entire home. You must enter how many beds/baths there are in your home (exclude family rooms, living-rooms, and kitchen). This allows our system to know how big the home is. Then, the system instantly calculates your final price! That simple.

If you don’t wish to have your entire home cleaned, and rather only some areas, reach out to us! We are always here to help via calls, live-chat, and text messages.


Package includes:

Living Room
• Vacuuming all carpet (if applicable)
• Sweeping all floors
• Mopping all floors
•Basic picking up and organizing (e.g. any items on the floor, like toys and games, will be put in a central place, etc.)
• Dusting furniture surfaces (e.g. bookshelves, hutches, chairs, accent furniture, etc.)

Dining Room
• Vacuuming all carpet (if applicable)
• Sweeping all floors
• Mopping all floors
•Basic picking up and organizing (e.g. any items on the floor, like dishes and cups, will be put in the sink, etc.)
• Dusting furniture surfaces (e.g. table, hutches, chairs, accent furniture, etc.)

• Sweeping all floors
• Mopping all floors
•Wiping down counters (we will wipe around items on counters, such as toasters, blenders, etc)
• Cleaning & wiping exterior of kitchen cabinets and handles/knobs
• Wiping & polishing exterior of refrigerator and freezer
• Cleaning top of refrigerator
• Cleaning & polishing exterior of oven
•Wiping stovetop (e.g. dusting off crumbs and marks)
• Wiping & polishing exterior of microwave
• Taking out garbage

• Dusting furniture surfaces (e.g. barstools, chairs, accent furniture, etc.)

• Vacuuming all carpet (if applicable)
• Sweeping all floors
• Mopping all floors
•Basic picking up and organizing (e.g. putting clothing in hamper, any items on the floor, like toys and games, will be put in a central place, etc.)
• Making beds
• Dusting furniture surfaces (e.g. nightstands, bookshelves, dressers, etc.)
• Taking out garbage

• Vacuuming all carpet (if applicable)
• Sweeping all floors
• Mopping all floors
• Polishing mirrors
• Sanitizing toilet bowls
• Wiping down and sanitizing bathtub/shower walls and floors
• Wiping down outside bathroom cabinets and drawers
• Taking out garbage
• Basic picking up and organizing (e.g. picking up towels, putting clothing in hamper, picking up toys, straightening rugs, etc.)
• Dusting furniture surfaces (e.g. shelves)

Plus any additional add-ons purchased.


We aim for this service to be 1.5-2 hours on average, but it may vary depending on the condition and size of the home. For example, a studio apartment with one bathroom could take around 1 hour to completely refresh, while a 6 bedroom 6 bathroom home could take 4.5 hours or more. As much as we love your clean house, we want you to enjoy it without us being in the way.


  • Inside any appliances (unless add-on is purchased)
  • Inside closets
  • Inside pantry
  • Inside garage
  • Washing dishes
  • Washing baby bottles
  • Putting dishes away
  • Removing deep stains or grime from walls (e.g. markers)
  • Removing hard water
  • Blinds
  • Interior windows
  • Baseboards
  • Grout detailing
  • Folding laundry
  • Doing laundry
  • Detailing/removing stains from upholstery
  • Detailing fan blades (see deep cleaning)


Please know that the Signature Package will not help if the home is in extreme condition.

Examples of extreme conditions are:

  • Caked on grime and dust on surfaces that would require special tools reserved for our deep cleanings
  • Caked on grease and grime on stove that would require special tools reserved for our deep cleanings 
  • Caked on soap scum in showers/tubs that would require special tools reserved for our deep cleanings
  • It’s impossible to clean areas due to clutter and a decluttering job would be needed before any cleaning can be done.
  • Animal droppings left unattended
  • Accumulated trash not inside a trash bin
  • A house that has been smoked in
  • Construction dust that would require special tools reserved for our deep cleanings


We are a family-owned and operated home cleaning company. We offer offer a range of affordable cleaning services to fit your needs. Here are some reasons why you should hire us:

  • Flat and transparent rates
  • Affordable
  • Easy online booking
  • Reoccurring cleaning services
  • Satisfaction guarantee
  • 2-hour notice
  • 24/6 customer service
  • Licensed and insured
  • Premium Cleaning products
  • Detail-oriented
  • No job is too small
  • Many payment methods
  • Installments available

At Hogarr, we're dedicated to providing exceptional cleaning services and options to our clients. 

You are also in control. Our client's satisfaction comes first.

See more reasons why you should hire us, including reviews here.

This service is limited to the following counties/cities: 

  • Morris County
  • Short Hills
  • Livingston
  • Millburn
  • Baskin Ridge
  • Bernardsville
  • Bedminster
  • Flanders

...More to come!

I. The Parties. This Home Service Contract, (“Agreement”) made on the day of purchase (“Effective Date”) made by and between:

Client: The buyer of the home service package, with a mailing address specified in the “Address of Service” that was entered upon booking the service, (“Client”).


The home service company providing the home serviceHOGARR LLC with a mailing address of 22 1/2 Hazlett, City of Morristown, State of New Jersey, (“Service Company” or “Service Provider”).

Service Provider and Client are each referred to herein as “Party” and, collectively, as the “Parties”.

NOW, THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises and agreements contained herein, the Client hires the Service Company to work under the terms and conditions hereby agreed upon by the Parties:

II. Commencement Date. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date and time when the service was booked, (“Commencement Date”) and Terminate on the same date when the services are rendered OR At-Will by cancelling the service, which shall abide by the cancelation policy specified on the Cleaning Company’s website.

III. Service Company’s Duties. The Client understand that at the time of booking, the Client entered all the necessary information to the best of their knowledge to allow the Service Company system to calculate the service price as accurately as possible. This means that the Client agrees that to their best of the Client’s knowledge, the exact amount of bedrooms and bathrooms was entered to calculate the service price accurately. The Client agrees that failure to enter the exact amount of bedrooms and bathrooms will result in charges being assessed for the difference. The Service Company agrees to perform work for the Client on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and agrees to devote all necessary time, attention, resources, within reason, to the performance of the duties as highlighted in the description of the service package the Client purchased (“Duties” or "Tasks").

IV. Payment Amount. The Parties agree that the amount paid by the Client upon purchasing the service on the Service Company’s website serves as compensation for the Duties performed under this agreement.

V. Inspection of Duties. The Client shall inspect the completed Duties of the Service Company. If any of the Duties performed by the Service Company, pursuant to this Agreement, is defective or incomplete, the Client shall have the right to notify the Service Company within 48 hours, at which time the Service Company shall promptly correct such issues within reasonable time. The Client agrees that if the Client does not allow the service company back in the property to correct said issues, this will be considered as waiving the Service Company's satisfaction guarantee. In such case, the service will be considered as rendered, complete, and the contract will be fulfilled.

VI. Cancelation Policy. The Client hereby agrees to abide by the Service Company's Cancelation Policy (found here). The Service Company agrees to work with Client if there are any unforeseen issues that prevent Client to follow through with service contract on a case-by-case basis.

VII. Taxes. The Service Company shall pay all applicable sales or use taxes on behalf of the Client, on labor and services provided or otherwise required by law in connection with the Duties performed.

VIII. Fraudulent Chargebacks. Fraudulent chargebacks occur when a customer, in bad faith, decides to call their bank to request a chargeback or a refund stating that the service was not provided, but purposely bypasses the Cleaning Company's satisfaction guarantee (e.g. customer does not allow Cleaning Company to come back and fix any issues). This behavior is considered fraudulent and harmful to the Cleaning company's team, family, and business in general. Any fraudulent chargebacks for services already provided that have not properly gone through the Cleaning Company's satisfaction guarantee will be converted into outstanding debt due immediately by the customer and will be referred to a collections company.

IX. Safety. The Service Company reserves the right to terminate the service if the Client’s premises are deemed to be unsafe for the Service Company’s representatives due to the presence of hazardous materials, drugs, violence, hostility, or anything that might compromise the safety and wellbeing of the Service Company’s representatives. The Client also agrees that the service will be considered rendered and the service fees will not be refunded if this occurs. The Service Company, at its sole discretion, will do everything in its power to provide the service to the Client on a later date if such event occurs. The Client agrees that if the Service Company has to terminate the service a second time because of any of the reasons highlighted herewith, the Service Company reserves the right to terminate the job without any refunds or further attempts to provide the services.

X. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws in the State of New Jersey.

XI. Additional Acknowledgments and signing of the contractBoth Parties acknowledge and agree that: (a) the Parties are executing this Agreement voluntarily and without any duress or undue influence; (b) the Parties have carefully read this Agreement and have asked any questions needed to understand the terms, binding effect of this Agreement and fully understand them; and (c) the Parties agree that purchasing a package from the Service Company’s website constitutes signing this Agreement.